We will always do our up most to deliver goods to you the next working day. However all goods are subject to availability and delay in delivery of goods is sometimes out of our control. All dates quoted for delivery are approximate and we shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, charges or expenses caused by any delay for the delivery of goods.
Should delivery be delayed for more than 21 days we will contact you as soon as possible giving you the option to cancel your order or continue waiting for delivery.
You are responsible for the goods from time of delivery. If you delay accepting a delivery, our responsibility for everything other than damage due to our negligence will end on the date the courier tried to deliver the goods to you.
If goods arrive in a damaged condition you must inform us within seven working days. If you do not inform us we have no liability for goods said to be damaged on delivery
For heavy or bulky items there may be a heavy or large item surcharge.